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Covid Update - JN1, 'Juno' becomes dominant strain

Until recently, cases of Pirola, Eris and Kraken were the latest variants of Covid doing the rounds, called XBB1.5. I had a jab for this strain.
Symptoms from Pirola and Eris may include abdominal pain, cramps or spasms, diarrhea, nausea.
However, JN1 or Juno, first tracked as a sub-variant of Pirola has become dominant globally and is now classed as a variant in its own right, like delta and omicron before it. Juno is like a grand child of Omicron, if you think of it that way. 14 deaths in hospitals in WA this week. Source: Sunday Times Jan 14.
That's why I still wear a mask! Mask mandates are now back in hospitals, after inpatients caught Covid whilst in hospital.

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