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Sports, Pregnancy and Relaxing Massage

Sports Massage

I have worked on thousands of athletes at sports events such as the Busselton Ironman, Cape to Cape Mountain Bike Race and the Dwellingup 100 Mountain Bike Race and Mighty Trail Run.
In my clinic, I help to fine tune athletes before competitions and help with recovery afterwards.
I also help with sports and gym related injuries.

Pregnancy Massage

Some spas give a nice nurturing massage. But mothers-to-be often experience pain during pregnancy! My version of pregnancy massage is working with you lying on your side with supporting pillows if you can no longer lie face down to have lower back pain treated.
I also help with post natal massage, something often neglected by new mothers. It can be very beneficial. All of your ligaments are loosened during pregnancy, and tighten up again after giving birth.
However, sometimes the ligaments don't tighten up evenly, and the sacrum can end up slightly askew. (The sacrum is your tailbone, the triangular shaped bone at the end of your spine that ends with the coccyx).
If the sacrum ends up at a slight angle, it can create a curvature in the spine, called scoliosis.

Relaxing Massage for connoisseurs of the genre

Imagine a massage on the beach

You are on an island, on a massage table in the shade, a few metres from the beach. You can feel a cooling sea breeze, and hear the gentle sound of wavelets lapping on the shore. That is the ambience I create in my clinic. In summer I use 3 oscillating misting fans for the sea breeze, and relaxing music with the sounds of waves lapping the shore.
In winter, I use three heaters to keep the temperature around 27 degrees when it is cold, wet and windy outside. All this without the drama of air travel and the expense of accommodation in Bali or Thailand!

Why my relaxing massage style is unique

Benefits of a Relaxing Massage


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