The Remedial Massage Guy logo

Arthur Galletly
9 Apus Close, Rockingham
Phone or text me: 0407173320
Email: The Remedial Massage Guy

click on the van to book online

Click on the van to open the easy-to-use Online Booking System.

For prices, opening hours and discounts please click here

FAQs and much, MUCH, more info, please click here

Relieving aches, pain & headaches since 2004!

Over 7,350 clients served.
That's 7 per cent of the adult population of Rockingham!

Feeling like Humpty Dumpty?
You've come to the right place!


Please drive slowly in Apus Close
Please park on the premises, not in the road.
We try to be good neighbours!

When turning into Swinstone Street from Read Street,
Apus Close is the SECOND turning on the left. Don't listen to Google!

If the home doesn't look like this, you're in the wrong street!

Image of clinic

Rockingham's favourite Remedial Practitioner!
Your CranioDural Therapist

Image of Arthur with Mishka

My website performance and mission statement

Speed test of my website 100 percent on Accessibility Speed Best Practice and SEO.

The above is a test you can perform on any website. As you can see, this website scores 100% on Speed (Performance), Accessibility (can be read out using a screen reader), Best Practice and SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

My aim is to have a site which loads quickly, makes it easy to book appointments online, is Accessible, and has good SEO to make it easy to find my website when searching on Google and other search engines.

And to have simple yet interesting content which you can explore if you wish.

And to reduce impact on the neighbours! Particularly as some GPS systems can send you down the wrong street!

Finally, to provide an example to publicly funded websites around Australia, which are largely very slow to load, from schools, hospitals, local councils, state and federal government departments.

That's right! I used to be in IT before I changed careers!

All publicly funded websites adhere to International standards for Accessibility so that content can be read out to the vision impaired. However, there are no such standards for speed. I propose Australian Standards designed to speed up websites at all levels of government.

There are many Digitally Disadvantaged people living in Regional and Remote Australia with slow internet connections who would reap the benefits.

I conclude with a graphic of the test of the Rockingham City Council. The speed on a mobile phone is just 21%. No further comment needed!

Speed test of Rockingham Council website with speed just 21%
